Job, Weigh In, And A Goal!

Soooo a week of being a forced lady of leisure. I had a lovely time down in Dorset firstly with a good friend and then with the parents and sister.

Came home yeaterday to a stroppy teenager. Sigh.. when will he actually appreciate everything I have done for him, all the things he has done, all the years of struggling and me going without so he can do those things?

A year he has been unemployed and it doesn’t seem he is doing anything much about getting a job. He doesn’t contribute to the house and he has become increasingly rude and selfish. Last night he said (not for the first time) he wished I wasn’t his mother. If that is the case wtf is he still living here for?! Aggggghhhhh!?!?!??!?!

With the stress of being unemployed, grief and abuse from the son I have had my fill this week, and have been ready for something good to happen. Well today it has. I was asked yesterday to attend an interview today for a job that I thought I would have no chance of getting. Getting there 1/2 an hour early I finally found a parking space and went in to be shown around the facility. After a quick informal chat/interview I got offered a job! Starting on Monday. Whoop!

Now all I needed was to get a good weigh in to finish the day off. Not being feeling particularly possitive about this after a night out and a huge meal last Thursday with my team from my last job, rather a lot of wine consumed at the weekend and my general eating routine being up the spout because of having no routine in my daily life because of the lack of job I headed off to class rather apprehensively. Standing on the scales and holding my breath (rather stupid thing really because that surely means I am holding additional weight in the form of air in my lungs) I waited for the verdict. This week I have lost 3lbs! Awesome!!! Really very happy with that. So that is a total of 59lbs! And, not that I can tell you what it is, but I have achieved a personal goal weight wise. So oober happy.

New Job – tick!
Private Goal Met – tick!
Weight Lost – tick!
Sun Shining – tick!
A fabulous day all in! Might play the lottery this weekend!

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