
Back a few years ago a friend of mine said I was never going to be thin, and I was just one of those who was born to be fat.

You know what? I am starting to believe her, don’t get me wrong, I don’t ever want to be a skinny bitch, but just one fitter and slimmer than I am now. 2 months now, and I am back to just a weight loss of 4 stone. Yesterday, at weigh in, again I have put on, this time 1lb. I have spent the last 2 months fluctuating between losing a pound or two, putting it back on or not losing anything. I really am getting so frustrated. I have never exercised so much, I have never kept an eye on what I am eating so much, I have never kept to something so long. And yet, nothing is happening. Nothing is going the way it should.

Is she right, am I destined to be a fat old bird? They say your size should not define you. Thing is it does. I might for the first time in a very long time be starting to feel more confident, more capable more willing to do different things, but the longer this stagnation goes on the harder it is to keep the momentum and good feelings going. I had a long weekend off, and have been back on the rails for over a week, but  I do feel myself slipping.

This week I haven’t been to the gym once before work but I have caught up and been after a couple of times. I have been to most of my zumba classes, and those I didn’t make have only been because 1, something else came up (The Boy) that needed my immediate and rather urgent attention or 2, It was cancelled.

My birthday is 6 months away, and for the first time this year I am doubtful if I will achieve anywhere near what I wanted to be.

Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t been fitter for many years, my resting heart rate is only 75bmp, which for a woman of my size is pretty fantastic. My heart rate is decreasing rapidly after exercise which means my body is recovering faster than ever before and my fitness levels have increased. I am pressing up to 80kg in the Gym. I don’t look at hills with dread, and take a quick breath on my inhaler in preparation when I know I have to walk up them. But I still have a stomach the size of a pregnant woman who is 5 months overdue!

I thought going to the gym would give my body that kick it needed, but after a month of going I don’t feel I am seeing any great difference if any at all. I am worried I am slipping into the mentality of looking at my alarm and snoozing it because I can’t be bothered to get up and be at the gym for 6.30, or I think I will do it tonight and then when I am there not “feeling it” as much as if I went in the morning. I wonder if I chose to have the long weekend off/away at the wrong time.

Out of everything, the first weigh in, the first cardio class, the first zumba class, the first time at the gym, the strict calorie counting, this mental side right now has to be the hardest part. I am really struggling right now, which is so annoying. No matter how many pep talks I give myself and no matter how many times I tell myself some good is being done somewhere in my body, I can’t help but doubt I will ever get to where I want to be, and I certainly don’t think I will be anywhere near where I want to be in 6 months. 2 months now seem wasted, 2 months where I could have lost at least another stone, instead I have put 4 lbs back on and am back to just 4 stone weight loss. Agggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!! So frustrating!

Right I need to get this going, I need to start losing lbs again. Helpful suggestions, advice, and encouragements all gratefully received (don’t bother with the fad diets, fad ideas, fad pills, fad anything). If you haven’t guessed by now I am following a calorie counting diet, which is worked out correctly to my height, weight, age and sex. That side is fine. I am eating lots of lean meats, veggies and fruit. 99% of the food I eat is less than 5% fat. I also do cardio exercise in the form of Zumba and Kardy’O classes 3 or 4 times a week, and I try and do the gym for ½ hour on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning, an hour and 20 mins normally on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday followed by a quick swim and sauna. At the gym I am doing resistance training and weights after a warm up on the cross trainer ending with ab curls and stretches.  So.. What the Fuck am I doing wrong?!?!?!?!?!

3 thoughts on “Help!!!

  1. Hi. I honestly think you’re just stressing yourself out. I’m going back on my weight loss program. You see I’ve always been bigger than average throughout my life. I’m 22 and I’m still huge. Back in October of 2012 I started becoming serious about losing weight and by December my jeans became loose. I was happy and overjoyed. My problem was I stopped and for the past few months I’ve been lazy. Now I see my pounds adding consistently. Starting today, I’m going back on that weight loss regimen I had working for me. My point is I believe you’re much more physically fit than I am. Maybe those pounds you gained are muscle? My fitness instructor told me that throughout my weight loss and exercising I wasn’t to be dependent on just a scale. I was to look myself in the mirror and see myself change. I believe you’re doing everything fine. Just don’t stress yourself out on try and focus on the future. Just follow your diet plan to a T and I think you’ll be great.

  2. Honey
    Don’t give up.
    It is a known fact the muscle weighs more than fat. All the exercise you are doing is toning, lengthening and strengthening your body.
    You look fantastic and you are doing fantastic.
    Keep up the good work and remember to give yourself a treat from time to time x

  3. Have you tried the Hairy Bikers Cookbook? Dieting isn’t having a goal of losing two stone, its taking a day or a week or a month at a time, and losing one pound, then possibly another. Every pound is a success, as is every half pound. You have to take into account that its a long term thing. If you do something for 21 days then it becomes habit. Go on how you feel, or the tightness of your clothes rather than weighing yourself…

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