Let the Damsel See the Knight!

So I took my son to the pub on Saturday. I thought if we sat and chatted and spent time in the natural surroundings of an 18 year old boy he might relax and talk to me.

I was also in need of a drink or two after the last few weeks, and this was the first night out since his 18th in February. After I was having to wait for him to get ready, we set off. I drove down and parked the car in the town carpark and we headed to the pub. 1 drink was all I was buying him. 1 drink however turned into 5. 5 large glasses of Rose for me and 5 pints for him.

Within 2 minutes of us being in the pub the lovely lady behind the bar gave the boy a telling off and told him to repsect and appreciate me more as I was his mum, and she had lost hers when she was only 22 and missed her very much. I think she must have seen his facebook status stating that he hated me last weekend, (I was told about it by a friend). I just stood and smiled. Then when we had our 1st drinks we saw a couple of his friends (who I do know to say hi to but nothing else) and sat with them. Within 10 minutes or so they were both telling him to get a job. Why didn’t he have a job? Did he know there are 1400 jobs within the Littlehampton area?! So why didn’t he have a job?!?! I just sat and smiled.

After trying to find out if you put the liquid from those glow sticks into a bottle of bubbles would it make the bubbles glow (it doesn’t), and 5 glasses of wine I headed home. And yes I walked it. The whole mile and half in the dark, by myself!!

The following morning I woke with no hangover or ill affect, had my poached eggs on toast and headed into town to collect my car. When I got there I discovered that some bastard had smashed my wing mirror of and taken it with them. So now to add to my soon to be unemployment, lack of phone (nope still don’t have it) and the boy, I am now driving around with the wires hanging where my mirror should be and the threat of another large bill.

Now would be a really really good time for that Knight in shining armour to turn up! Come on, I’m waiting for you, let the Damsel see the Knight!

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