Fat Attack

My weight has been a bit of an arse lately. Its not shifting, 2 weeks running it has stayed the same after 3 previous weeks of it going up and down. Now before you say it, I have already done the tape measure, that hasn’t shifted either. So I’ve done it. I’ve done the deed, (not killed The Boy contrary to popular belief). I’ve joined a gym.

I had my induction on Saturday. I told the PT bloke that I wanted to do resistance and weights training as I get plenty of cardio doing zumba and Kardy at Rpsemary Conley 4 or 5 times a week. So he set me a routine for starters. On Wednesday at 6:30am (yes that is an am! must be bloody mad!!) I am having another session with him to sort another one (more legs, lower body and core muscle areas) so I have a bit of variety.

Sunday I did my first full session.

The routine so far goes:

5 to 10 mins on crosstrainer (I have always loved this bit of kit) as warm up
3 x 15 leg presses
3 x 15 chest presses
3 x 15 lat pull downs
3 x 15 shoulder presses
3 x 15 free weight biceps curl
3 x 15 something else I can’t remember the name of
3 x 15 something involving a double ended rope handle and my biceps.

After I felt good, but a wee bit tired and the old muscles were definitely feeling it. By the evening it felt like someone had injected concrete into my thighs and my pectorals (yeah I have some). Despite the pain (which in a perverse way was rather pleasant), last night I decided I might head to the gym this morning before work. This would mean being there for 6.30 and squeezing in a 30 min session.

When I got there a queue was forming by the doors, most of which were what I will call the older generation who were obviously up with the larks. The doors opened and in we went, the majority of the others headed to the pool for a nice swim. Some others (younger gym goers) headed to  a class of some sort.

I went into the gym ready for a session. Only 1 other person in there! Win! With muscles still aching from yesterday I started the work out. Managed to get through most of it, but by the time I got to the ‘3 x 15 something else I can’t remember the name of’, I was struggling. I did complete the session, but instead of 3 x 15 reps I did 1 x 15 reps, 6 x 5 reps.

A quick shower, hair dry and war paint on I got to work just 15 mins later than I normally do. Hopefully over time I will get into a routine this will be quicker.

I’m not sure I will go tomorrow morning, as I don’t want to over kill the body. Being able to move is quite important to me and I will be there Wednesday morning anyway.
Anyway thats the latest. I have zumba tonight and tomorrow night (if I can move that is) so I will still be exerciseing tomorrow. Now I have some questions:

1. Because I am starting so early in the morning, should I eat breakfast before I go or after? Or do as I did today, eat a banana on the way and have another with a cereal bar after? (this might well change to something different as I get more organised)

2. If I am doing these extra sessions on top of my zumba classes, do I need to alter my calorie intake?

3. When will it stop hurting?

4. When will I be able to use my arms again?

5. What is it about gyms that people seem to think you have to get changed in front of everyone else, and wander around naked?? Why can’t they use cubicles?!?

6. What is the etiquette for getting someone off a piece of equipment when you want to use it and they are sat on it chatting on their phone?! Is walking by glaring in their direction the way to go? or do i have to be brave and ask them to shift?

7. The pain is my muscles burning fat, right?!?!?

8. I’m not doing too much am I? Too much exercise can be bad for your body I am sure.

Always keen to hear from others what they do in the gym. I don’t want to “bulk up”, just keep my metabolism up and get back to loosing weight. (oh and I am aware I might well put weight on as muscle devlopes so I am prepared for that). Got to keep up that fat attack!