I am craving chips. Not just any old chips, the chips you get from the chip shop. A little bit greasy, with lots of vinegar and a bit of salt. Perhaps with some curry sauce. Ummmmmm soooo tasty.

It’s not something we have ever had a lot off. At home on the rare occasion I made them they were oven ones. But chip shop chips were my once a month treat that I would pick up on my way home from work. More often than not with a nice piece of battered cod. I would get indoors and unwrap the yummy goodness and the cats would appear as soon as the smell wafted to wherever they were. They would sit patiently for their fish, normally getting about half of it, so I would have to buy a large fish.

Its been over a month since my last chippy night, so perhaps that is why I’m craving them. The craving is just for the chips. I had it last night, and it took all my will power not to pop into the chip shop at Ferring to get just a small childs portion on my way home. The craving has come back, started earlier today. I think I want to cry.


Chips out of the paper, chips warm on my lap, chips hot and tasty, vinegar splashed chips.. ohhh chips… sigh… 😦