Lbs and Inches

Today I head up north for the weekend leaving the boy in charge of the house and cats (god help them). So no gym, a weekend of giving my body a rest. It will probably appreciate it. I have made a point of leaving my gym stuff at home so I can’t seek out, find a gym and squeeze a session in.

I’m really looking forward to seeing friends I haven’t seen for aaaaggeeessss and I have decided if I don’t stick strictly to the diet then thats fine. Its the first break I’ve had away (apart from going to the parents), for years and it might only be oop norff, but thats good enough for me! I’ll keep making sensible choices food wise (hopefully most of the time), and I will keep logging what I eat on so I can keep an eye on it.

So, to yesterdays weigh in.. another busy week of gym and zumba completed and a small bit of hope still remaining. Had I lost anything?

Well, yes, yes I bloody well have! 1lb! One whole bloody pound! Whoop!! Now in the past I might have been gutted at just the pound, but right now I’ll take any loss! And 1lb is better than the last 3 weeks.

I have also decided it is time to do the inches again, and perhaps keep a stricter more regular eye on them.

In total I have lost these inches.
Bust 6″
Waist 8″
Hips 7″
Widest part 7″
Left arm 4″
Right arm 4″
Left thigh 4″
Right thigh 4″
Left knee 4″
Right knee 4″

Thats 52″ in total.
Or 4’4″
Or 1.4 yards
Or 1.3 m
Or 132.08 cm
Or 1320.08 mm – thats a lot of millimeters!

Now thats not bad huh? So I just have to keep reminding myself the weight might no longer be dropping off quickly, but I have lost over 4 stone and over 4 foot!