Weigh In and a Challenge

Another week done. Phew!
As you already know I went out last weekend for a few too many drinks. Apart from that I have been pretty good.

This week I have tried to eat more fibre. One way has been to have 50g of dried appricots and 50g of prunes a day. They make good snack food and I carry them around in a bag snacking as I go. Shockingly for the first 4 days of doing this I had really bad wind. As in all day! And strangley they didn’t smell of roses! Working in construction amongst all those hairy arsed builders it wasn’t noticed. Well if it was obviously they wouldn’t have suspected me as, as I have pointed, out mine normally smell of roses.

I have been a good girl and only had 1 packet of pink n whites this week and none of my fav peanut and seaweed crackers.

What I have discovered are the new Alpen Light Cereal bars. The double chocolate ones are gorgeous. Only 65 calories and a great little fudgy chocolate fix. After zumba we have been given free samples of the summer fruits ones. They are 63 calories and quite sweet. If you are looking for a tasty low fat low calorie snack I can recommend them. I will only be buying them when they are on offer or if I have a money off voucher.

This coming week is going to be a difficult one food wise. I have messed up my money because of a couple of big bills and after my rent is paid I will have about £18 to last me until next Thursday. With a lack off food in the fridge I am going to set myself the task of feeding myself on £2 a day. Thats not very much considering the number of calories I have to eat and that they have to be low fat. (Pink n whites are only 50p!!) I am guessing it will mean I will have to get over my dislike of chewing beans as I am guessing they are going to be a staple in my diet, as are lentils. I might do a recipe or two as well. I have lots of recipes that are cheap and easy after years of raising my son on very little money.

So anyway, Thursday night weigh in was cancelled as the school hall we normally use was being used for polling. Tonight I got to zumba early so I could jump on the scales. Well carefully, reluctantly step on them. And I have lost 4lbs! 4 LBS!!! Wow! After only the 1lb last week I was going to be happy with 2lbs, but 4lbs!! Thats a total now of 54lbs.

As a fish this is what 54lbs looks like!

The same as about 100 packs of butter!

So onwards and upwards.. dare I hope for the 4 stone mark next week?

Mixed Emotional Week

So its the end of week 10. It has been a bit of an up and down week.. Lots of things messing with my head, the boy being the main contributory (believe me that’s a long complex word for me to use this time of night after Zumba) factor. I had an interview that seemed to go well and I thought I was invited back for a second meeting, but as yet I still haven’t heard from them. Oh well we will see.

One of the main highs was obviously the trousers, oh and now I have the addition of a hoodie that now fits and feels a little loose on me. That feels good too. I brought new shoes. After 8 weeks of Zumba I started to get achy knees week before last. I thought I was probably down to the £7 trainers I brought from Tesco on my first weigh in night. They didn’t have any support and no absorption when I jumped. I went to a dance shop in Chichester, Gotta Dance, and the very nice lady basically explained that the shoes I needed had smooth soles so I could turn and not leave my knees behind.
I have never paid so much for a pair of shoes, and I can’t even wear them outside! They are taking a bit of getting used to, but I’m getting there and I haven’t had achy knees since wearing them.

Work itself is a bit pants. I am being given more work to do, but I still feel very much undervalued and that my brain is slowly rotting. Here’s hoping for a response soon from the places I have interviewed at.

Food wise I am eating loads, but still struggling to meet the full calorie intake I am meant to have. An example is yesterday I ate:

1 bowl porridge
2 bananas
Large salad with 180g prawns
1 Low fat Greek yoghurt
A whole rainbow trout (cats got the skin) with 170g new potatoes, 100g broccoli, 3 braised leeks
4 pink n whites
A bowl of mixed fruit (melon, grapes, pineapple, mango)
And last but not least a humbug!!

I was still just under 400 calories off what I should have consumed! This losing weight malarkey is hard work, not to mention expensive! I might have to start up a charity to raise money so that I can afford to feed myself!

I am still finding it hard to get my head around the whole eat more to lose more weight thing. It just doesn’t sit right, after all we have all been told that to lose weight you have to eat less. To quote my Dad, “you’ve never seen a picture of a fat person in Auschwitz”. He obviously did not mean I should starve myself (not sure that hadn’t crossed his mind at times), but to eat less, and I get what he meant.

Exercise wise things could have been better. Its taking a bit of time to get used to the shoes but I am getting there. I haven’t been able to take my usual lunch time walks all week. I had a day off last week because of the snow and a morning off this for an interview. As I am freelancing if I am not at work I don’t earn money. So I’ve been working through my lunch breaks to try and make a little of the time back. Its made me quite twitchy and I am finding I am missing my 1/2 hour out of the office where I got to get some fresh air and clear my head. Which is strange as I have worked through my lunch breaks for so long before this and never been bothered about it.

So, tonights weigh in, how much have I lost? if any? or have I put it on!?! Well I’ve lost 2lbs. Thats not bad, I am just about happy with that. Thats a total of 2 stone and 11lbs in 10 weeks. Next week dare I hope for the 3 stone mark?!

(footnote… it was actually fluctuating between 2 and 3 lbs.. but I said I’d have the 2 this week and that other one I’ll put towards next weeks loss)

Lessons Learnt

It has been nearly 2 months of the new me, and I have been thinking about what have I learnt so far.

1. It is easy to fit in a bit of exercise every day. For years I have worked through my lunch breaks. On a construction site this is a very easy trap to fall into because everyone eats at their desk, and I also know that this is very easy to do in all sorts of work environments. Like I am sure most others, I don’t actually get paid for my lunch breaks, so I was giving whichever company I worked for around 120 hours a year for free! I don’t know about you, but they don’t pay me enough to get 3 weeks’ worth of free labour.

So now instead of working, I put my music on, my earphones in, set the timer on my phone for 15 minutes and walk. When the alarm goes off, I set it again for 15 minutes and head back to the site. I normally walk at a reasonable speed, normally doing about 1.5 miles in total. I have a couple of play lists, both of which have Geno by Dexys Midnight Runners as the first song. This I find is a good one for getting me into a good rhythm to start. If the wind is blowing in a particular direction along the sea front I tend to walk with it on my way out and against it on my way back. That means I have to walk a little harder/faster coming back in order to make it in the 15 minutes (because if the added resistance of the wind blowing against me) therefore burning more calories. (Just one of my weird probably unfounded beliefs.)

2. Small differences to the way you cook food can make a huge difference to the fat/calorie content. Now I have always cook relatively healthily. This is mainly thanks to learning from my Mother who has also cooked tasty healthily food. I love cooking with fresh meat, fish and veggies. I have lots of recipes and I would like to think that they have all tasted pretty yummy.

So what are some of these small differences? For things like stir fries and curries I used to start with heating a couple of tablespoons of oil in my wok can (that can be around 240 calories straight off!). Now I either dry fry my ingredients or I use a couple of squirts of one of the spray oils you can get, (1 calorie a squirt). With the curries, instead of using the pastes you can buy that are loaded with oil, I now have a very well stocked selection of spices and cook off them in the dry pan). Obviously investment in a really good solid non-stick pan is essential.

Also look and see if your favourite ingredients have a super low fat version. You can be amazed at the difference in the fat content.

3. Really read the food labels properly. These are a complete minefield. Part of the Rosemary Conley thing is what you eat has to be less than 5% fat. Which surprisingly enough is very easy to do. But you have to be very careful, don’t go by what is on the front of a packet of food when it comes to checking the nutrition values out. Turn it over and read how much fat is in 100g/ml. As long as it’s under 5 its good, but don’t forget to look at the calories for a serving.

They also try and catch you out with big labels saying things like “20% less fat!” “Low fat” etc. Again look at the nutritional values, more often than not you will find it isn’t that great. Oh and those supposedly healthy breakfast/cereal bars/biscuits are one of my pet hates, you think you are having something lovely and healthy because that’s how they are branded and sold to you, but have you seen their fat content!?

4. It’s good to step outside the comfort zone now and then. I like my comfort zone. It’s what I know, it makes me feel safe and ummm comfortable. Going to these classes have been a big step outside mine. Building up the courage to go along to your first meeting is a big thing, and pretty scary. I don’t like rooms with lots of people in, and it’s even worse when they are total strangers. I of course had nothing to worry about and I now love going along.

Zumba is another example where I took a big step outside my CZ. I mean really me, a big fat bird prancing around in my uncoordinated mad way in a room full of people?? Give me a break! But again I bit the bullet and went to my first one, now I go at least 3 times a week! I still make sure I stay at the back of the class, but I’m there. One day I might be in the middle of the class or even at the front, but again that is fighting my fear (I think that the right word) of being in amongst a lot of people, being on the edge I can just about cope with at the moment.

These steps out side my CZ might not be doing anything massive, but to me as someone who would rather melt into the background for fear of making a fool of herself they are pretty big steps, and you never know me taking these baby steps might one day lead to some great big ones. (sussssh don’t tell anyone, but I have future plans forming in the deep recesses of my brain).

5. Reading about others success stories is a great motivator. I love reading the stories of people who have managed to lose weight. I have quite a few who’s stories I read over and over again because they were so like how I am now. It makes me realise that it can be done, and it’s OK to have a blip now and then, and if you do you can ‘get back on the horse’. It’s great to read about things they did, how they felt, and how they feel now.

I find those who have lost just 2 or 3 stone just as inspiring as those who have lost 10 stone or more. Each person had their own private battle and won, and if they can do it, surely so can I or anyone!

End of 4th week

So today I wasn’t really feeling it. Even though since last weigh in I have done a just under 3 mile walk and 2 zumba classes on top of my normal 1/2 hourly walks every day I was sure I hadn’t lost anything.

I wonder if I am working hard enough in the Zumba? But then I also wonder if I am eating enough. I dont manage to eat my 1400 calories a day and if I do something like Zumba am I meant to eat a bit more? I keep hearing about if your body doesn’t have enough calories that it goes into starvation mode and stores fat. If I am not eating all my allowance of food and doing extra exercise is that what my body is doing? Am I making it harder for myself to loose the weight?

Well anyway I did go and get myself weighed and I have lost another 3lbs. Fab! Thats 20lbs in total in 4 weeks. Thats rather good. Along with the nice lady who started the classes at the same time as me I was Slimmer of the week! I’m really glad she was because she has had a rocky start to the diet and last week she didnt lose anything, so for her to lose 3lbs too was awsome.

We had a good cardio session tonight, 70’s based with some dodgy moves thrown into the mix.

Anyway its late and I’ve eaten a slice of salt&pepper tiger bread tonight as a small treat, (plenty of calories spare to accommodate it) and now I need sleep.

1st Zumba Class

You know those medical educational pictures you see detailing all the muscles in various parts of the body. Well we don’t normally think 1/2 of them because they are internal and not ones you see defined under our skin. Well tonight I discovered all of those hidden muscles.

After a bit of umming and erring and trying to get someone to come with me, I braved it by myself and went to my first Rosemary Conley Zumba class.

Well what can I say? I stood at the back of the class, next to a lovely slim lady who was very nice and said to just do my own thing and don’t worry about looking stupid. The music went up and we started. Well I have moved parts of my body in ways that I haven’t moved them for 19 years. Oh my god, I felt muscles I didn’t know existed. My rhythm might have been different to everyone elses, but no one cared. With arms waving about all over and legs doing who knows what, and then the hips, oh don’t talk to me about the hips! I had my own groove going on that loosley resembled what the girl taking the class was doing, and when I say loosley I mean loooosley.

But I survived! I made it through to the end.
My mind was saying “never again? I wonder if I could manage to go tomorrow night as well”.
My body was quietly sobbing and yelling “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?!?!?!?”
My heart was saying “can I slow down yet??!!”

So my first ever Zumba lesson, what can I say apart from…
“That was bloody good fun and lets do it again!”