Family, The Boy and Me.

Been out for a lovely 45 min walk today with The Boy (after he sat beside me on the sofa eating a bacon sarnie, git!!). It consisted of me walking and him following throwing snowballs at my back. It was quite nice actually as he throws quite hard and it was a bit like a hard massage, it deffo sorted out a sore muscle or two.

He seems to be so much nicer these days. He actually willingly came for the walk with me. I didn’t have to beg or cajole him or even bribe him. Oh and I did get my own back when we got nearer the house with a few well aimed snowballs, which in turn gave him an excuse (so he thought) to put snow down my back, in my ear, in my face and down my front.

I really enjoyed spending the time with him, and hopefully he did with me and hopefully we will have many more walks together.

What other news? Well I have informed my family what I am doing. My Mums reaction was “well done” and my sister said she was proud. (Not heard from brother and older sister yet). Not sure what I was worried about. Well I do actually. I think them now knowing is going to put me under more pressure to do this as I don’t want them to be disapointed.  When it comes to things like this and pressure from family (I feel rightly or wrongly) there is a history of constant failure by me. I am crap to be honest. Giving up at soonest possible moment. I slip normally within a few days and then I just give up.

So what is different this time? I don’t know to be honest. I do feel the pressure creeping back, but as I am feeling good about myself and what I am doing and I feel in control, I don’t seem to be so bothered. So perhaps this is my year, perhaps my goals will be achieved. Perhaps my life will begin at 40.

Next step I guess will be publicising this on Facebook. I have been toying with the idea of doing that today. So who knows perhaps I will.

Right I’m off to go and hoover with gusto my stairs and bedrooms, then a hot shower, dressing gown feet up on the sofa and decide what to have for tea.